
With Instagram life, it can seem like people go into mountains and canyons to just get fresh pictures of their life. I know that is at least somewhat true for all of us because we need to be honest about our egos. Today, I am going to take a more positive view of our need to be in big and wild places.


It is something everyone has to be familiar with at some point. Very familiar to those who have been through rehab, or lost in life in a big way. We all experience or need these things on one level or another.

I think a lot about why hiking and a bit of struggle in a new place breathes so much life into me. It is because it is an act of surrender. Going on that trail, knowing you will face and see something bigger than yourself. The small, petty, and ridiculous things that take away our moments disappear when we immerse ourselves in nature.

Of course, I don’t want to limit us all to the mountains. I surrender when I look into the eyes of my wife. Or smaller moments of enjoying a cup of coffee on the porch.

I must remember the idea. Give yourself to loved ones. Surrender to this place that is more complex and grand than any of us can imagine.

Think about looking out over the ocean, the peak of a mountain, or plains that look to be never-ending. How fucking lucky are we?

Appreciate and Be.
